In the high-octane American action drama “Top Gun” from 1986 and its equally thrilling 2022 sequel “Top Gun: Maverick,” Tom Cruise effortlessly slips into the role of the audacious Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, complete with the iconic Ray-Ban 3025 Aviator Classic sunglasses. These sunglasses, with their unmistakable teardrop shape, robust metal frame, and superior polarized lenses, transcend mere fashion accessories to become a symbol of Maverick’s daring spirit and unparalleled style. Following the debut of the original film, these Ray-Ban Aviators became a cultural phenomenon, driving up sales by an impressive 40% and earning the esteemed title of “Top Gun sunglasses.”
Maverick’s choice of eyewear has a storied heritage, dating back to their 1930s military inception, designed primarily to shield pilots’ eyes from the relentless glare of the sky. Marlene Stewart, the astute costume designer for “Top Gun: Maverick,” recognized the weighty significance of these sunglasses. She meticulously selected the perfect pair for Cruise, reflecting his well-known dedication to authenticity and detail. This rigorous selection process ensured that the Aviator Classics worn by Maverick were not just any sunglasses, but an integral facet of his character’s identity, emblematic of his tenacity and flair.
For those of you under the age of 30 you might not know that once upon a time, many many years ago, Tom Cruise was not yet a borderline crazy Hollywood ass but a cool, up and coming young heartthrob. Following on from cult favorites Taps and Risky Business, Cruise graduated to the big leagues with a feature length commercial for the Air Force, sunglasses and jumpsuits, Top Gun.
Top Gun was… well, it was awesome. Women loved it for the gung ho airmen in close-fitting flight suits. Men loved it for the high speed dog fights and endless, over the top machismo. In short, everyone loved Top Gun.
Looking back through the mists of time to the 1986 release of Top Gun there’s one thing that jumps out in my mind. The Top Gun sunglasses. Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell (Tom Cruise) and many other cast members spent much of the movie in what could accurately be described as the coolest damned sunglasses ever to grace a face.
Naturally, in the years since the theatrical release of Top Gun there has been a steady, constant supply of guys who think to themselves as the credits roll ‘Damn, I need to get myself a pair of those sunglasses’. In the case of many movies it can often be almost impossible to find the details of costumes and accessories – costume designers usually aren’t eager to give away their secrets – but in the case of the Top Gun sunglasses it couldn’t be easier.
Maverick’s sunglasses, as worn throughout Top Gun, are an example of the timeless classic Ray Ban 3025 Aviators with gold frame.
I remember getting my first pair of Ray Ban Aviators just a couple of months following the release of Top Gun in 1986. A wealthy uncle who’d forgotten too many birthdays splashed out on a pair (the $100 price tag at the time was a little too steep for my 16 year old pocket). I remember the first time I went for a spin on my bike wearing the Aviator’s – my neighbour called out to me as I left the yard, ‘Hey, cool Top Gun sunglasses!’ Since then, even though Ray Ban Aviators have appeared in countless movies, TV shows and on the faces of friends, family, strangers and celebrities for decades, I’ve always thought of Aviators as ‘Top Gun Sunglasses’.
The complete list of sunglasses used in Top Gun (1986)
Character | Actor | Sunglasses |
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell | Tom Cruise | Ray-Ban Aviator 3025 |
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky | Val Kilmer | Ray-Ban Shooter 3138 |
Nick “Goose” Bradshaw | Anthony Edwards | Ray-Ban Caravan 3136 |
Ron “Slider” Kerner | Rick Rossovich | Ray-Ban Aviator 3025 |
Marcus “Sundown” Williams | Clarence Gilyard Jr. | Ray-Ban Aviator 3513 |
Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe | Barry Tubb | Ray-Ban Clubmaster 3016 |
Air Boss Johnson | Duke Stroud | Ray-Ban Outdoorsman 3030 |
Commander Mike “Viper” Metcalf | Tom Skerritt | Ray-Ban Caravan 3136 |
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
In the highly anticipated sequel Top Gun: Maverick (2022), Tom Cruise once again dons the iconic Ray-Ban Aviator sunglasses that he wore in the original Top Gun film released in 1986. Known for his signature aviator shades, Cruise’s character Pete “Maverick” Mitchell continues to sport the timeless and stylish eyewear that has become synonymous with the Top Gun franchise.
The decision to have Cruise wear the same sunglasses in the sequel pays homage to the classic film and adds an element of nostalgia for fans of the original. The aviator style, with its distinctive tear-drop shape and metal frame, perfectly captures the essence of Maverick’s character as a daring and enigmatic naval aviator.
These Ray-Ban Aviators, specifically the model 3025 (Aviator Classic), have become an enduring symbol of coolness and have remained a popular choice among fashion-conscious individuals over the years. The popularity of these sunglasses soared after the release of the first Top Gun film, and they have since become synonymous with Maverick’s character and the Top Gun brand.
The Aviator sunglasses not only add to Maverick’s iconic image but also serve a practical purpose. As a naval aviator, Maverick needs reliable eye protection against the sun’s glare and other elements when flying at high altitudes. The Ray-Ban Aviators with polarized lenses provide the necessary protection while exuding a classic and effortlessly stylish look.
Tom Cruise’s association with the Aviator sunglasses has cemented their status as a timeless and fashionable eyewear choice. The fact that he continues to wear them in the sequel pays tribute to the enduring appeal of both the actor and the iconic eyewear.
The decision to maintain continuity in the character’s style from the original film reinforces the connection between the two movies and underscores the nostalgic appeal for fans. It allows longtime followers of the franchise to relive the excitement of the original while experiencing the new and thrilling story of Top Gun: Maverick.
With the release of Top Gun: Maverick, it is expected that the Ray-Ban Aviators will once again see a surge in popularity, as fans rush to emulate Maverick’s iconic look. Whether you’re a fan of the Top Gun series or simply appreciate classic and stylish eyewear, the Aviator sunglasses continue to be a timeless choice that captures the essence of Maverick’s legendary character.
The complete list of sunglasses used in Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Character | Actor | Sunglasses |
Capt. Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell | Tom Cruise | Ray-Ban Aviator 3025 |
Lt. Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw | Miles Teller | Ray-Ban Caravan 3136 |
Adm. Beau ‘Cyclone’ Simpson | Jon Hamm | Ray-Ban Caravan 3136 |
Lt. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin | Glen Powell | Ray-Ban New Wayfarer 2132 |
Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace | Monica Barbaro | Ray-Ban Round 2180 |
Penny Benjamin | Jennifer Connelly | Persol PO3235S |
Related articles:
Val Kilmer as Tom “Iceman” Kazansky wearing Ray-Ban 3138 Shooter
Anthony Edwards as Nick “Goose” Bradshaw wearing Ray-Ban 3136 Caravan
Rick Rossovich as Ron “Slider” Kerner wearing Ray-Ban 3025 Aviator
Clarence Gilyard Jr. as Marcus “Sundown” Williams wearing Ray-Ban 3513 Aviator
Barry Tubb as Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe wearing Ray-Ban 3016 Clubmaster
Duke Stroud as Air Boss Johnson wearing Ray-Ban 3030 Outdoorsman
Tom Skerritt as Commander Mike “Viper” Metcalf wearing Ray-Ban 3136 Caravan
Miles Teller as Lt. Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw wearing Ray-Ban 3136 Caravan
Jon Hamm as Adm. Beau ‘Cyclone’ Simpson wearing Ray-Ban 3136 Caravan
Glen Powell as Lt. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin wearing Ray-Ban 2132 New Wayfarer
Jennifer Connelly as Penny Benjamin wearing Persol PO3235S
Monica Barbaro as Lieutenant Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace wearing Ray-Ban 2180 Round
Jr says:
Those are Randolph Enginerring Aviators. NOT Ray Ban.
I get it. This is a AM site but at least get your facts right.
James says:
Another commenter suggested that they are American Opticals, so there is certainly more than one opinion on that. And there is no official statement from the production about which sunglasses he actually wore.
I still strongly believe them to be Ray-Bans for two reasons:
1) Tom Cruise is known for wearing Ray-Bans in many of his movies.
2) Any trustworthy source that I can find describes them as Ray-Bans.
In any case, Ray-Ban 3025 Aviators are easy to find, of good quality, and very close to those used in Top Gun.
If anyone else has some thoughts on this matter, please add a comment below.
Paul Davies Aviation Historian/Pilot. says:
Confirmed by many sources, including Ray Ban themselves, and Baush and Lomb who made the originals in the USA. Model number is RB3025-L0205 in 58mm Gold Frame and G15 Dark Green Glass lenses. Even their competitor:Randolph Engineering confirm the Movie used Ray Bans but they supplied many other movies. The sequal due out as Top Gun Maverick but known as TOPGUN 2 shows him wearing Ray Bans. The confusion is due to different lighting showing the Gold lens frames looking silver and with the production company scratching off the white Ray Ban wording logo on the lens to avoid blatant advertising. Both Ray Ban and Top Gun PR confirm used Ray Bans for both films.
michla says:
In addition to this guys comment randolph ebginering glasses have straight low nose bar and maverick has curved ones like Ray ban
Desh says:
Top Gun was about Navy Pilots not Air Force. The Air Force never takes off and lands on a ship.
Jay Dreiling says:
To Jr. They are indeed RL Aviators 3025’s. You too should get your facts straight before you jump on someone else. …….Shmuck
Erich says:
6 year late reply but your correct.
Pooks says:
There is very little knowledge on what sunglasses they used in the movie. But, for a movie to ‘make sense’ or be ‘realistic’ on what sunglasses pilots would wear.. it would be American Optical or Randolph Engineering.
I pick American Optical. American Optical was used and still used by NASA and our American Forces. Why? The materials used is better than RayBan. All materials used are military grade. Why would our forces use cheap materials? The RayBan Aviator is a replica of the originator and a replica is always made with cheap materials. It would only make sense that Americans at that time period would want to wear USA Made products. There’s a reason why these sunglasses were only made for the Armed Forces. They were just the best in quality. The only reason I didn’t pick Randolph is that American Optical is older and was widely used by our Forces. It was the first sunglasses to go to the Moon.
Lets ask Tom Cruise?
James says:
Thanks for your comment!
I still believe the Top Gun sunglasses to be Ray-Bans, though. Product placement was well used in the 80s, so their choice of brand probably had little to do with the American Forces and NASA. After all, it is said that the movie single-handedly increased the sales of Ray-Ban 3025 by 40%.
Oh, I wish Tom Cruise someday would drop a comment on this question.
Robert Williamson says:
He’s not correct but my guess is that he isn’t the sort of person that takes being corrected well.
Bausch & Lomb developed the first Aviator pilot’s glasses and eventually called them “Ray BAN” literally means that they were designed to ban the rays from pilots eyes.
Wikipedia agrees
There’s a good history here
They were worn by the military in WW2 and by General Douglas Mcarthur.
I think he’s just read some advertising material for American Optical and bought it.
Erich says:
The original “Aviators” didn’t have tear drop lenses at all. Randolf Engineering has been supplying US military pilots with original Aviators since at least the 70’s. They’re designed with bayonet style temple frames to fit under flight helmet and combat gear. Robert Duval is wearing them for example in Apocalypse Now. But the model “Concorde” which is also made by Randolph Engineering is the modern version of what Ray Ban calls its 3025 “Aviators”. I own Randolph Engineering and Ray Ban sunglasses and both manufacturers are fantastic in my opinion
jesse. says:
I wanted the sunglasses that Jon Hamm wore on Mad Men, which are not Carvans like he is wearing in Top Gun (you can see the Ray Ban tagging)
I bought the American Optics, because I bet that Don Draper wore the same sunglasses as astronauts.
I think the movie very clearly has a Ray Ban tie in.
MattyC says:
Pooks….obviously never has been in the military. Very little of any military equipment supplied is of highest standard. It’s of ‘best budget’. It’s why most of the guys in the Army buy their own boots – issued ones are shit. And the military doesn’t issue sunglasses (well Australian anyway).
Erich says:
Randolph Engineering is still under contract with the US Navy making sunglasses. Original “Aviators”, not the tear drop styled Ran Ban 3025’s seen in Top Gun.
Mark says:
Just found this post. They are definitely NOT AOs. The nose piece wire and top wire on the frame are too close together comparing your pics above with AOs website pics. The nose piece wire tends to favor Ray Bans. Ray Ban had a contract to supply the US military with pilot glasses until 1982 when RE took over and has had it since. It is possible that the sunglasses are cheap knockoffs since the “Ray Ban” printing is missing from the right lens although the costumer could have removed it. Other styles worn by other actors would also support Ray Bans as I remember seeing Cubmaster and Shooter styles worn by other “pilots”. And for “Pooks”… Ray Ban in ’85-’86 was owned by Bausch & Lomb and were US made.
bob lee swaggard says:
if they did use Ray-Ban glasses in top gun, they scrapped the white lettering off the right eye lens. But if you buy Ray-Ban sunglasses today they will not be like the glasses from the 1980s Bausch & Lomb sold the company to Luxottica in 1999.I have owned 5 Ray Bans that were made by Bausch & Lomb and 1 Luxottica pair. in my opinion the Bausch & Lomb glasses were heavier and better made then the Luxottica crap for sale today. my 5 Bausch & Lomb glasses i lost 3, 1 pair fell off the top shelf of my wall locker and hit the concrete lenses first and shattered the 2 lenses. my final Bausch & Lomb glasses were my first I ever owned handed down to me by my uncle he bought the outdoorsman II glasses in 1967 while in the Air Force so i put them away as soon as i learned i could buy my own glasses in the PX for about half the price people paid in the civilian world. When i lost my last pair of B&L glasses( i had those from 1996- 2009) i bought a pair to replace them not knowing of the Luxottica purchase of the company, i lost the Luxottica glasses in 2017, and rather then buy another poorly made glasses from Luxottica, i got out my 1967 glasses and bought a new old stock pair of lenses for the B&L frame that i still had kept away with my uncles old glasses. id rather buy a old pair of B&L glasses then buy a new Luxottica pair
Paul Davies says:
I purchased the original 1986 American B and L made glass etched lens, metal Gold frame ones also. The new ones are not of the same quality but still good. I am getting some eyewear retainer lanyards for mine after reading your message. The Outdoorman version had tight loops fitting around and under behind the ear to keep them on if you looked down. I always thought these were for when doing aerobatics! Cannot wait – although had to for two years of postponement of the film sequel: TopGun Maverick. Trailers are worth watching also. I was a regular pilot at the time of the original and return to flying next year so a full circle journey for Tom and I.
Andy says:
They are vintage Ray Ban made between 1960’s and 1970’s era by Baush and Lomb and made in the USA. Model number is RB3025-L0205 in 58mm Gold Frame and G15 Green lenses.
Paul Davies says:
Correct. TopGun TopMan!
Cruseman says:
Definetly Ray-Ban 3025 in ancient B&L made in USA Times.
Take a deep look at the short bottom nose bar piece – it’s typical curved Ray-Ban style.
AO and Randolph are using linear bars.
Scott Thrower says:
Fantastic detailed page! (“He did it right …”)
Have you considered starting a post/thread about the sunglasses worn in the NEW Top Gun: Maverick movie being filmed ( for 2020 release ) ? Some set photos are already leaked! Would love to hear this group’s thoughts!
James says:
Hi Scott,
Thanks for your question.
Of course we need to address the new Top Gun: Maverick (2020) movie! It will probably not be a separate post, but an update to this one. I have only seen the picture from his Twitter account where he turns his head away. I think we need more for it to be relevant. You are always welcome to share your thoughts!
Paul Davies says:
Tom Cruise is wearing his original, or newer version Ray Ban RB3025 Gold framed glasses in G15 Green-grey glass lenses. Original made in USA around 1980s, newer ones made in Italy and Worldwide under licence. Ray Ban will have publicity ready or already out as I write this in December 2020. Top Gun Maverick trailers confirm this also.
Sergio says:
I cannot say if those are Ray Ban or not, but I think they are.
It would not make much sense to use the rest of aviator-kind models by Ray Ban for other characters (Shooter, Caravan, Outdoorsman…) and use other brand for the Aviator model.
Andrew says:
These are without doubt Ray Ban RB3025 L0205 in Gold Frame and Dark Green G15 lenses sans white Ray Ban Logo on right lens. FYI, if you want to remove that white Ray Ban logo from the lens you can easily do so by using a penny and carefully scratching it off. The penny is soft enough so it won’t scratch the glass lenses. This works on all other lenses made of glass without any flash or mirror coating. I did this on a pair of Ray Ban and Randolph Aviator sunglasses and in my opinion look way better without that logo there.
Paul Davies says:
Some say Tom Cruise wore grey lens gold framed Ray Ban RB3025 but most of the stills show green light filtering when he is sideways frontal to camera. Yet glasses look very dark? Some say they used reflective mirror lenses but that does not seem right. All the evidence I could get points to you being right. These were original USA made B and L Ray Bans with Gold metal frames, Glass Dark green G15 Lenses and etched into the frames with the size, B and L USA and other detailing. The white “Ray Ban” was removed presumably to avoid claims of blatant advertising?
Kirsten says:
What about Charlotte Blackwood’s (Kelly McGillis) sunglasses?
Dakota says:
Hey i just need some advice, i’m 15 and i’m wondering if it is worth it to buy a pair of ray ban model 3025’s? Is there any other glasses that would be just as good for a lesser price?
Much appreciated
Dakota L.
RH says:
In this article in Inc. the CEO of Randolph Engineering specifically says that Tom Cruise’s sunglasses in Top Gun are Ray Ban…
GQ also describes them as Ray Ban RB3025…
Paul Davies says:
Good man. I found all those and more confirming these were, in 1986 Ray Ban RB2025 Green G15 Lens, possibly Polarised? with Gold metal frames and the Ray Ban white painted logo removed to avoid claims of blatant advertising although much was done in PR between the film people and the Ray Ban company-then and since the owners changed from Baush and Lomb
which, by 1985-86 were still made in the USA. Model number is RB3025-L0205 in 58mm Gold Frame and G15 Green (Glass) lenses. The new film: Top Gun Maverick/TOPGUN 2 shows him wearing the same pair or an up to date pair of RB3025 in Gold with green G15 AVIATOR tear drop Lenses. The Randolph Engineering company supplied glasses to many other movies however. Just waiting now to see the sountrack album. The Original TOPGUN Movie soundtrack when released went: “ballistic Mav!”.
Fred Romero says:
So… I guess a pair of (very similar) Bushnell aviator glasses won’t make the cut, huh? In another time and place (in the 70s & 80s) I was a Commercial rated pilot and Flight Instructor by day and a cop at night, and I wore my Bushnell glasses as part of the total image and they seemed to work just fine for both function and image. Upon reading this link I did a deep search in the garage and I found my old glasses… and after looking at them on me in the mirror I’m back baby, nothing cooler than an old pilot with strut and ‘tude!
Clover says:
What is the name of the sunglasses that are worn by Jennifer Connelly in Top Gun 2?
Hassan Razek says:
Hi there – the shades Miles Teller wore in the film, were they size 55mm or 58mm?